Tuesday, April 30, 2019

My Online Presence

As a young person in our society, naturally, I am a very connected person. I have lots of social media accounts/apps, friends on facebook, followers on instagram, and connections on Linkedin. I honestly probably have a massive online footprint, as I'm very active on social media, because I talk to a lot of people and I love commenting on my friend's posts to hype them up. I was interested in learning more about my online footprint, and I found this site that offers modules and education on your footprint, and how to reduce it. Although I do a lot online, I do not necessarily have a "personal" website which I periodically update or anything. The closest I have to that is this class blog.

I am an adamant user of Snapchat, Instagram, Linkedin, and occasionally Facebook, but these days only to keep up with Sorority information. What I post on these sites varies. On facebook, I rarely ever post or like things, it's just a died out thing for me besides a way to keep up with information from friends and family. On snapchat, I post about my day and maintain bonds with my close friends, and on instagram, I post events in my life and pictures I take of myself, places I go, or pics with friends to share with my followers. If someone were to visit my instagram page without knowing anything about me, they'd learn my name, what I look like, my majors, and links to articles I have written. They would also see that I have traveled a lot, that I am a member of Kappa Delta, and have access to other people's pages from those that I follow, and those that I tag in my posts.

The Newseum & NPR

While I took a trip to D.C. earlier this month, my club and I had the privilege to tour NPR and go to the Newseum. This trip really allowed ...