Friday, May 3, 2019

The Newseum & NPR

While I took a trip to D.C. earlier this month, my club and I had the privilege to tour NPR and go to the Newseum. This trip really allowed me to explore new avenues of journalism as well as learn more about the history of journalism and the impact it's had around the world.

NPR was one of the coolest experiences I've had the pleasure of doing. From being registered and security cleared, to keeping our phones in locked slips, to walking through the NPR Newsroom, it was a complete dream. Every aspect was so chique and cool and welcoming, yet so organized but mildly chaotic all at once. I had never been a big podcast person, but since my tour, i've found myself indulging in more podcasts.

The Newseum is such an iconic yet underrated museum. It's so underrated and unappreciated that they're closing it at the end of the year. While other museums are cool, I feel as though the Newseum has a true civic purpose for Americans; to promote journalism and the first amendment. This museum has it all, a really cool FBI section, equipped with the Unabomber's cabin, an internet tower from the top of one of the Twin Towers that miraculously survived 9/11 rather well, a moving photography gallery that highlights crucial moments in human history and captures the realness of situations (It's so powerful I was in tears looking at every single photograph and reading every single caption), and even a hands-on experience where you get to choose a prompt and script and become a news reporter for a minute, then watch yourself take on the camera. The emphasis on the first amendment and the freedoms we have as americans that other countries don't was incredible. I just think, as impressive yet dysfunctional as our US Postal System is, we should find it odd to keep a huge postal museum yet remove the one that discusses our liberties and shines light on the power of journalism through such a dark and unpredictable time.

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The Newseum & NPR

While I took a trip to D.C. earlier this month, my club and I had the privilege to tour NPR and go to the Newseum. This trip really allowed ...